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Atmel AT91SAM7 uClinux Platform

This page includes information for the AtmelAT91SAM7 platform configured for ARM7TDMI and uClinux.
The platform is included as part of the standard OVPsim download package.

You can download a self installer that includes the platform source, all peripherals, and a binary of uClinux - in fact everything you need to boot and start to use the Atmel platform running uClinux.

To run the platform you do need an OVPsim license key.

Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Windows] AtmelAT91SAM7 (10.79 MB)
Atmel ARM7TDMI based Virtual Platform including all peripherals and software to boot uClinux and connect to interactive terminal.

Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Linux] AtmelAT91SAM7 (15.44 MB)
Atmel ARM7TDMI based Virtual Platform including all peripherals and software to boot uClinux and connect to interactive terminal.

This standard download includes the Atmel AT91SAM7 platform, peripherals, and uClinux image.

When downloaded, run the installer (Windows32.exe or Linux32.exe) and follow the simple instructions.


Atmel AT91SAM7 Virtual Platform

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