prpl is Pragmatic for Security

Within the prpl Foundation Security Working Group, Imperas is providing solutions for embedded hypervisor/OS developers.

Simon Davidmann, Imperas CEO wrote a guest blog for RTC Magazine. RTC Magazine focusses on Embedded Computing and includes information for both hardware and software developers of embedded systems.

The article is about the security of embedded systems and what the prpl Foundation is doing about it, and what its Security Working Group is focussed on.

Most of the public discussion about security presents various aspects of the problems, or a high level view of risks/solutions, or an individual company’s solution to their slice of the problem. The prpl Foundation’s Security Working Group is taking a pragmatic, cross-functional approach to security in embedded devices and systems.

What do I mean by pragmatic and cross-functional? Let’s start by looking at the two primary...

Follow the link to read the full article.

