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A set of demos covering available variants of this family of processors is available by downloading the Demo_Processors package.

These demos use the Instruction Set Simulator and command line options to select processor, variant, elf file and other options.

Most of the demonstrations have script files to make it easy to run the applications standalone, or with the GDB debugger, either as a command line or with the GUI.

To download this package from OVPworld, browse the OVP downloads page and download the Demo_Processors package. Click here to browse available downloads.

There are many other demonstration examples that show different platforms with single or multi- core processors. Download the packages and try them.

Running the demonstration examples

When a package that contains a demo has been downloaded, you need to run the self extracting installer. It will have a file name of the form:
<package_name>.<version>.<OStype>.exe. In a Linux or Msys shell execute the file. In Windows double-click on the .bat file. This will install its environment, and the demos on your host PC. Some demos might need you to also download and install the OVPsim package.

When downloaded and installed, go to the directory <OVP installed_dir>->Demo->Processors and browse into a leaf directory and double-click on the RUN_dhrystone.bat file (or run the .sh file in a shell) to run an OVP simulation of the processor running a cross compiled binary of the Dhrystone benchmark. To see maximum speed on your PC run the RUN_peakSpeed2 file to run the peakspeed2 testcase. You will see the performance of the run at the end of the log, for example:

Info (ICM_AL) Found attribute symbol 'modelAttrs' in file 'C:/Imperas/lib/Windows64/ImperasLib/'
Info (ICM_AL) Found attribute symbol 'modelAttrs' in file 'C:/Imperas/lib/Windows64/ImperasLib/'
Info (OR_OF) Target 'platform/CPU1' has object file read from 'peakSpeed2.x.elf'
Info (OR_PH) Program Headers:
Info (OR_PH) Type           Offset     VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz    MemSiz     Flags Align
Info (OR_PD) LOAD           0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000b420 0x0000b420 R-E   1000
Info (OR_PD) LOAD           0x0000b420 0x0000c420 0x0000c420 0x00000800 0x3d0a0818 RW-   1000
Info ---------------------------------------------------
Info CPU 'platform/CPU1' STATISTICS
Info   Type                  : cpu (generic)
Info   Nominal MIPS          : 100
Info   Final program counter : 0xe8
Info   Simulated instructions: 22,000,002,095
Info   Simulated MIPS        : 4930.9
Info ---------------------------------------------------
Info ---------------------------------------------------
Info   Simulated time        : 220.00 seconds
Info   User time             : 4.46 seconds
Info   System time           : 0.00 seconds
Info   Elapsed time          : 4.52 seconds
Info   Real time ratio       : 48.63x faster
Info ---------------------------------------------------

Run some of the other example benchmarks or go up a directory and to one of the multicore or manycore directories and run those .bat/.sh files to see them run.

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