OVP Downloads

Imperas maintains and releases the OVP distribution and aims to make a major release available from this site about every 90 days.

The distribution is split into several different installable packages allowing you to download only those components and virtual platform kits that you are interested in.

The main OVPsim download package includes the simulator, iGen Model generating wizard, models, examples, API & simulator documentation, and many self contained demonstration and reference platforms. There are also download packages for each processor family that include platforms that run full operating systems such as Linux, Android, FreeRTOS, Nucleus, Micrium, etc.

A number of the downloadable self contained demonstration platforms do not need a license key to run, the larger platforms (typically those including OS support) and the tools do need a license key. A license can be requested and downloaded from this site.

To see the list of downloads visit the downloads page.

Host platforms supported by OVP

OVP by definition is not restricted to any specific host platform.

However the pre-compiled demos, binaries, executables, and OVPsim/iGen/ISS downloadable from this website are currently only compiled and available for the 32 bit versions of Windows and Linux.

The commercial versions of OVPsim and other tools that are available from Imperas are all available on 32bit and 64bit Linux and Windows host platforms.

Using the self extracting installers (*.Windows32.exe and *.Linux32.exe)

Self extracting installers are provided for both host platforms that require acceptance of a click-thru license before extraction. The Windows installer (*.Windows32.exe) and the Linux installer (*.Linux32.exe) will install into default directories unless overridden during the install process. The Windows default is C:/Imperas and the Linux default is your current directory.