This page provides the examples that have been created to show the operation of the FreeRTOS operating system and OVP Fast Processor Models

For RISC-V FreeRTOS demo see this page and it is downloadable here:
Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Windows] RISC-V RV32IM running FreeRTOS (8.86 MB)
Self contained OVP module using RISC-V processor that runs a simple application based upon FreeRTOS. Includes a binary application using FreeRTOS and peripherals UART, Interrupt Controller and Timer.

Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Linux] RISC-V RV32IM running FreeRTOS (10.73 MB)
Self contained OVP module using RISC-V processor that runs a simple application based upon FreeRTOS. Includes a binary application using FreeRTOS and peripherals UART, Interrupt Controller and Timer.

ARM FreeRTOS Demo Block Diagram

The ARM FreeRTOS demo builds a simple application using FreeRTOS. This has multiple tasks running. A simple LED register and serial device are included in the platform to illustrate the FreeRTOS running on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor.

ARM FreeRTOS Virtual Platform

ARM Cortex-M3 running FreeRTOS

Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Windows] ARM Cortex-M3 running FreeRTOS (7.94 MB)
Self contained OVP platform using ARM Cortex-M3 processor that runs a simple application based upon FreeRTOS. Includes a binary application using FreeRTOS and simple peripherals UART and LED device.

Click to log in before viewing / downloading[for Linux] ARM Cortex-M3 running FreeRTOS (9.48 MB)
Self contained OVP platform using ARM Cortex-M3 processor that runs a simple application based upon FreeRTOS. Includes a binary application using FreeRTOS and simple peripherals UART and LED device.

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