Thank you for visiting this library page! This is a wikki based library system - this means that when you have registered and are logged in, you can download files of components and models users have uploaded. You can also edit the pages and upload your own files. You can also link back to your own website, and to other sites etc.

Please use this library for models you provide or have written, but also please put a page for your company for services you offer etc - in fact anything OVP related.

For the OVP hosted models, we provide data on the models here (including variants, configuration options etc) you can download the models - including the source of many of them from the main OVP download pages. Most models are in the main OVPsim package.

So please have a browse of the different platforms and models available and use them. If there are models you need and they are not here - please use the forum to see if somebody is working on them or similar.

If you want to make comments about a model or platform - please do that on the forum.

If you are not logged in, then you need to login/register and then double-click on any page or click on the "Edit page" link at the bottom to start editing. You can only edit pages that you own, or you have been allowed to edit. To download or edit you must be logged in.

There are several categories of components in the library:
Companies Platforms Processors Peripherals and we will be adding pages for other items so that it is easy to search for categories, like service providers, research etc. You can see that at the top of the library pages there are menu picks to jump straight to these categories.

To create a new page with your components please read the guidelines: AddingNewComponents.

Then just go to the correct place in the components hierarchy and add a link to your new page and edit your new page.

We do reserve the right to make edits and move things around as needed. Email us at

This library system went live in June 2008.
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