This is the page listing the files and models that are in the component library that have been developed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The development of the virtual platform started with the FP7 EU project FlexTiles. A design environment which simplifies the generation of customized platforms with support for several operating systems can be found here:

This OVP simulation platform was developed by KIT during the EU-FP7 project "FlexTiles".
The provided platform supports and is tested with the Imperas20150205 release.

The platform consists of:
- A 6 tile platform description (OVPsim_microblaze_Linux.exe)
- A folder with several additional and platform specific peripherals
- A dynamic multitile loader (mb1.elf)
- Two memory images with a susan application (memory.img) and a pixelate application (memory_pixelate.img)
- A settings.h file in which the platform can be configured
- A makefile which calls all related makefiles in the Peripheral folders
- A sample input image and two python scripts which convert ppm or pgm into argb needed for the algorithms (note: you have to delete the "header" before calling the scripts to avoid a wrong offset.
- A monitoring core code which synchronizes with the loaders on each tile

To simply run the provided example which is configured to use an SDL output window, go into the "OVP_platform" folder and call:

"./OVPsim_microblaze.Linux32.exe mb1.elf moncore.elf mb1.elf mb1.elf mb1.elf mb1.elf"

To activate the camera input (provided a compatible camera is connected to your system) uncomment the DVI_IN macro in settings.h .

Changes to the platform, the settings, the monitoring core and the Peripherals can be made and recompiled via the makefile. The platform and the makefile script were developed and tested on an ubuntu . Several packages might be neeeded to recompile the peripherals, specifically the VGA-in and DVI-out devices. Know requirements for the VGA-in are: libgd2-noxpm-dev, libgd2-noxpm, libv4l-dev

A few notes:
Currently the platform is designed for 6 tiles and can have an additional ARM core added. The software is running a Comik microkernel with a libpOSe operating system library on top, both developed by TUe and not included as source in this release. In the provided example the monitoring core has to be executed on cpu2 and it needs a fitting number of tiles executing the loader code to finish synchronization at startup.

Sorry, no items found for UniversityKIT.

  Attachment Size Date Added
      DMA-NoC-Peripheral.tar.bz2   60.54 KB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      FlexTiles_platform.20150901.tar.bz2   1.85 MB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      FlexTiles_platform.7z.001   2 MB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      FlexTiles_platform.7z.002   428.1 KB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      FlexTiles_platform.tar.bz2   1.85 MB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      xilinx-dvi-Peripheral.tar.bz2   274.42 KB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm
      xilinx-vgain-Peripheral.tar.bz2   305.85 KB   11/22/2016 5:52 pm

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